Is Your Battery Long Lasting?

19/12/2017 16:38
Most of the consumers have one common question- For how many years will their battery last? There is no definite answer to this question, and thus, it depends on various factors. The average life of your Energizer Lithium Batteries may be different from that of the alkaline cells.
How to measure your battery life?
Many users purchase a package that includes more than one battery. However, they do not use all them instantly and store them for future use. The time period for which the batteries have been stored without usage is the shelf life. While it is a rechargeable battery, the concept of shelf life is slightly different.  It may have an effect of temperature and humidity. Your battery life will become shorter, while there is higher humidity.
Cycle life is another term, related to your battery life. For instance, if you have Energizer lithium batteries, you may need to consider the number of discharges and charges that you have done. 100 percent charging with fifty percent discharging may be indicated as the half life cycle. However, disposable batteries do not have any cycle life.
Thus, when you have bought Energizer Lithium Batteries, you do not need to be concerned on cycle life. They may last for about ten to twelve years. Factors, determining shelf life, include chemical structure and manufacturing procedure.
Alkaline battery, which is non-rechargeable, may have a shelf life of about five to ten years. While you like to charge this battery, it won’t be safe to you. In this case also, you will not find any cycle life.
So, the battery life is different in most of the cases, and it depends mainly on what cells you have chosen for your device. Choose the battery that is really long lasting and gives the highest value to you. For more information find us.